St. Vladimir Memorial Church is a Russian Orthodox Church in the jurisdiction of Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR).
Our magnificent church was built in commemoration of 1000 year anniversary of the Baptism of Rus’ by Prince Vladimir.
Every Sunday we serve Divine Liturgy.
Sunday school - pupils learn Russian and Law of God.
Sisterhood makes luncheons every Sunday, following the Divine Liturgy.
Twelve major Orthodox Feast Days are celebrated.
Special feasts during the year:
Please choose quantity and size of the candles, then use “PayPal” button on the top to complete the purchase.
We will light the candles during the next liturgy service at the designated location.
You can submit a list of names for Proskomedia (without prosphora). The donation is $1 per every 10 names.
A guide to confession.
Let’s think: do we really love no one and nothing as much as God, do we not honor or listen to anyone more than God? Do we treat God with complete trust, have we never grumbled at God, etc.?
We sin against this commandment by lack of faith, unbelief, doubt, despair in our salvation, hope in ourselves and in people more than in God; people-pleasing and partial love for people, creatures, things, activities; grumbling and impatience when things are not done according to our desires.
Let’s think: Don’t we serve mammon more than God? Your self-love, your pride, covetousness, gluttony, drunkenness, the mighty of the world to the point of oblivion of God? We sin against the 2nd commandment by our subservience to the spirit of the times and worldly customs.
We sin by saying prayers without any attention to their meaning; pronouncing the name of God in humorous conversations, or with irritation; violation of oaths and vows; contempt and respect for piety; modesty to appear to be a Christian; idle talk.
The Sabbath day for us is Sunday. On this day, we must not only confess our faith by going to the temple of God, but we must do alms for Christ’s sake. We should spend our free time in contemplation and prayer.
We sin by not going to church out of laziness, or because we consider it unimportant; visiting festivities, theater, cinema during great holidays;
We sin by self-justification to our parents; disrespect for elders; negligence about the welfare of parents; carelessness about raising children, and cruel acts towards them.
We sin against the sixth commandment not only by physical act, but also by word. It is important to know that the Holy Church considers the abortion of an unborn child to be murder under any circumstances, and both the doctor and the mother are considered guilty of this sin.
In a word, we violate this commandment when we tempt our listeners to sin with our slander and slander against others; bitterness in sins, stubborn resistance to the truth, and irreconcilability with people and God.
This commandment generally prohibits all carnal uncleanness, and like the sixth commandment, it is not limited to physical actions alone.
We sin by fornication, adultery, masturbation; reading immoral books, looking at unchaste pictures and films, lust; passion for obscene objects. and their enjoyment. Even those who have a civil marriage, but are not married in church and cohabit as husband and wife, are considered violators of this commandment.
We sin with theft, robbery, parasitism, extortion, stinginess, wastefulness, injustice, love of money, falsehood, concealment; in one word - we sin by dishonesty.
We sin with slander, gossip, ridicule, flattery, gossip, condemnation, suspicion, insincerity.
We sin with envy; selfish desires and greed.
Our book kiosk carries books, icons, crosses. It is open after church service on Sundays.
This is where children of our parishioners learn Russian, Theology, Classic Literature, and more.
Sisters make luncheons every Sunday, following the Divine Liturgy.
We welcome your contribution. Be it a candle, a donation, or time spent beatifying the church and the grounds. If you can help, please contact us.
Church Rector is Metropolitan of Eastern America & New York Nicholas (OLHOVSKY), First Hierarch of the ROCOR.
Metropolitan Nicholas (OLHOVSKY)
Archpriest Serge (LEDKOVSKY)
Our church is a public charity, as recognised by IRS section 501(c)(3)
(charity number 74-3224137). Donation are tax-exempt.
Your donations support our projects and are greately appreciated.
134 Perrineville Rd
Jackson, NJ 08527